1 – Give Up on Pesticides

Give Up on Pesticides

If at all possible, do away with using pesticides in your garden all together. The chemicals can have a terribly negative effect on the surrounding wildlife, so unless absolutely necessary, cut it out. 

2 – Make Your Garden Wildlife Friendly 

Make Your Garden Wildlife Friendly

Encourage wildlife to thrive in your garden areas! Things like birdfeeders are a great way to bolster the wildlife in your area, allowing wildflowers to grow in certain parts for bees and butterflies to enjoy and so on. 

3 – Stop Being So Wasteful 

Do you need to buy a brand new chest of drawers? Why not look for something second hand, or at the very least look for furniture which has been made with wood from sustainable plantations. The more we waste the more demand there is for our natural resources. Simply put, recycle and re-use wherever possible. 

4 – Opt for Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products 

Many of the chemicals in our cleaning products which are being poured away into our water systems are detrimental to our environment, particularly when on such a grand scale. Do your part and ensure that anything that you’re putting down the drain won’t impact the environment negatively. 

5 – Go Organic 

Go Organic

Invest in quality organic food from local sources! Not only are you doing your part for your local economy, but you’re also doing your bit for the environment AND eating healthy too! Win, win, win! 

6 – Be Mindful of Where You Get Your Seafood 

If you’re not a lover of seafood, then that’s great – but otherwise you should be mindful of where you’re getting your seafood from. There are many fishing sources which are sustainable, while others are detrimental to much of our marine life. 

7 – Switch Your Lights off!

Switch Your Lights off

Don’t be so wasteful at home! We’re all terrible for leaving the lights on, letting the tap run while we bush our teeth and much more. If we all took care to watch how we use energy in our homes, not only would we all have more money in our pockets at the end of the month, but the world would be in much better shape. 

8 – Carpool Where Possible

Or better yet, ride a bike or walk! Many of us make unnecessary car journeys on our own. If you want to do your part for biodiversity and our environment, be mindful of how you get around from A to B. 

9 – Switch to Alternative Energy Sources

You should consider investing in solar panels and changing the way in which your electricity is generated. There’s certainly enough sunshine to go around and it’s far better for our environment. And in addition to that, in almost every case you’ll be able to make a return on your investment after several years of savings on your energy bills. 

10 – Speak Up 

If you really want to make a difference, then you need to be the difference. Speak up and do what you can to educate people around you! Help people to understand how easy it is to improve our lifestyles in such a way that they’re not as impactful on our natural environment and how important it is for us to do so. 

If you’re interested in biodiversity and you’d like to know more about the steps that many companies and organisations take in order to help our environment and sustain a healthy and vibrant wildlife, head over to National Geographic/Biodiversity  – it’s companies like that which are working incredibly hard to reduce the negative impact that we have on our beloved world.